Believe in your dreams

By ZAS - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, at the daycare center that I volunteer at, a 5 year-old boy asked me, "What do you do when you really want something?" I told him to try his best to get it and give it his best. He ended up stealing from the donation box and when he was caught he said that I told him to do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 159
You deserved it 6 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

martron3000 5

Kid's got a great future in politics: 1- Interprets answers to his questions to his own benefit 2-Knows how to steal 3-Lies & blames it on someone else.

And that is why you try to get as much info as you can from a child about their question before you answer it.....


Well, at least he did his best, right? :D Also, I realize people are going to yell at me for this...but... First! Ahahahaha.

And that is why you try to get as much info as you can from a child about their question before you answer it.....

loveisalie2 0

I hate kids for reasons like this and many others. You try to be nice and this is what you get.

Hahah oh that sneaky, sneak! Well its not like you knew what he wanted right?shoulda asked him what it was he really wanted lolx But tricks on you. You gave him decent advice & he used it against you, ouch. Better luck next time.

martron3000 5

Kid's got a great future in politics: 1- Interprets answers to his questions to his own benefit 2-Knows how to steal 3-Lies & blames it on someone else.

kspy 0

hahaha that's when you ask them what they want, then try to tell them how to get it...

The correct answer is: "Well what is it that you want?"

serves you right try his best to get what ever he wants you were basically telling him to steal