
By karaokestar - 23/04/2009 04:42 - Canada

Today, I sang my signature tune at a karaoke bar - What A Wonderful World - and I thought I sounded my best yet. After my performance, I went outside to get some air. Then, I got assaulted in the parking lot and ended up going to the hospital. What a wonderful world indeed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 051
You deserved it 5 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. The Karaoke critics by you are a lot harsher than any karaoke bar I have ever been to. Usually they just heckle you if your bad.

Umm miss? I do not understand one word you just typed.


mr153 0

#2, #6, You DO know that if you just shrug everything off as its life, and 'you would've been worse off back then', there would be NO FMLs? And investigations arent always helpful, sometimes the cops accuse you of lying, even if you have the bruises/cuts/wounds to prove you were attacked

ohhdamn 0

well that changes your view on the world.

This is sort of amusing, but also sort of lame. I realize you were trying to be clever, but just being assaulted is enough for an FML.

deliciouskaek 1

Karaoke is not analogous to bar/street fights. Slap fights, maybe. I doubt the two things were related, in which case, it was unnecessary to tell us how well you sang. Nice attention grabber, though; I see you're good at that, too.

boreddoubletears 0

I think they were just pointing out the irony in the fact that they just sang a song about how wonderful everything was and then got mugged (not a wonderful experience).

AntiChrist7 0

only sad people do karaoke. only sad idiotic people do it when they can't sing. YDI

I'm giving you a YDI just because the truth is that nobody at karaoke wants to hear anybody sing What a Wonderful World. They're just being nice to you. On that note, Paradise by the Dashboard light is unwanted as well.

crap09 0

What, people can't have fun singing karaoke? Everyone saying YDI are asses. It's not like you never sang karaoke. It's for fun. OP, I hope you get well soon. Though they probably weren't beating you up for singing.

qkzp 0

awe that sucks. yeah, i'm going to go ahead and apologize for the 741 douches who decided to say YDI because i'm pretty sure no one deserves to get assaulted in a parking lot for no reason, okay.

Non-sequitur much? Not sure how you singing "What a Wonderful World" resulted in your being assaulted. But you still don't deserve it.