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Hey… you

By HOLY SHIT, A WALKING SNOWGLOBE - 09/12/2012 21:52 - United Kingdom - Dagenham

Today, I went on a blind date. My date turned out to be very hot, and I had high hopes. That is, until she ran her hand through her hair as she approached, sending some kind of horrifying, miasmic mist of dandruff and dead skin floating through the air behind her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 187
You deserved it 8 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So what, it's easily fixed. One flaw is the best you can get! Take it!

priceyfml 7

She could always use dandruff shampoo, good luck :)


sashie91 5

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Sigh typical first commentor wanting to be first. *uses a kunai this time*

NzaHaFML 13

Love your name Op. But who doesn't love snowglobes?

Is it me or does OP seem incredibly shallow? Maybe its me, but personally dandruff wouldn't have that much of an effect on a date. Maybe I'm just a sick human being with no standards...hmm..oh well.

23- if you take requests - strangulation, next time?

ydi for thinking a walking snowglobe is anything besides awesome

Seriously it's awesome.. Op if you don't want her then give me her number! :D

I think part of the point is that for such accumulation she can't have washed her hair very recently. And she clearly isn't doing very much about the issue. A "mist" is quite severe.

I have psoriasis and everyone is grossed out because they think its dandruff. Could be the case with OP's date.

southerngirl7594 1

Or she's using a shampoo that dries out her scalp. Just needs to invest in dandruff shampoo

I'm not all that surprised considering you are a deer ;)

Implying psoriasis is better? No offense, I used to have it too and it's freaking gross. I'd much prefer dandruff :|

Psoriasis isn't gross, but the treatment is. I have to put tar on my scalp to treat it. Unless you pick the dead skin off. Then that's pretty nasty.

145-- used to? Psoriasis has no cure. Plus, you cannot really help it. 153--I feel you, I have psoriasis also, and that stuff burns and smells. Have you tried banana oil? It seems to work on me.

lou_knee 6

I had scalp eczema for over 10 years before someone with psoriasis recommended Neutrogena T-gel shampoo to me because it worked for him. It took a year of using it but eventually the eczema went away and hasn't come back and that was 5 years ago.

priceyfml 7

She could always use dandruff shampoo, good luck :)

mduffy08 8

86 - There's nothing wrong with being attracted to someone. And dandruff can be prevented, that's on her. To me it's what is on the outside and inside that counts.

free2speak 14

As a girl, I know excessive use of hairspray (especially twice in a row without washing the hair) will leave dry white flakes in the hair, too. So it could be multiple things. Or it could just be a combination of dandruff and excessive use of hair product. Can be fixed. Personality, not so much. So if she has a great personality (and good looks is a bonus as OP mentions), OP should give her a chance!

shawnagreenbean1 9

I was going to say that hairspray and other things can be confused with dandruff. It's unfair of the OP to be so condescending when he doesn't even know the girl yet, and just automatically decide all hope is lost even if she does have bad dandruff.

When I used hairspray, it looked a lot like dandruff so I stopped using it. Also, I do have a slight dandruff problem but now that I dyed my hair blonde, it's not noticeable. =3 I do understand why OP would find that a turn-off though, because it has nothing to do with "looks" it's more of a hygiene thing.

It could be worse, she could be a guy.

Just buy her head and shoulders. Problem fixed

guckylynn 19

113, everyone has dandruff, just some worse than others. Some of us who are lucky enough it doesn't show while others have to deal with it. OP is probably one of those people who has to find fault with every person they meet and will never be happy with anyone if they freak over such a minor detail!

I don't understand how being shallow could be confused with being disgusted.. Couldn't handle snow globe hair.

delilah09 6

Uh no. It's gross! If I see anyone with dandruff , cute or not, it tells me that they aren't being hygienic. How could you not notice dandruff on yourself?! I hate when I see girls all dolled up and then they have dandruff or guys all dressed up and they smile and have messed up teeth! Mirrors people!!! Use them !!!!

Yup, so if I have some dandruff because I have psoriasis, that "clearly" tells you that I'm not being hygienic? It could be dry scalp and you can't help that the dandruff is always there.

I get it worst right after I wash my hair. Sensitive scalp problems. Not gross, unhygienic or unclean!

That's the problem... I have dandruff issues, and no matter what I try I haven't been able to fix them. So I'm perfectly clean, I just can't figure how to fix it...

So what, it's easily fixed. One flaw is the best you can get! Take it!

No flaws is technically the best, but that's an asymptote of reality. You can only get 99.99(infinitely many nines)% good, and that's where this girl's at. OP should give her a chance. OP, don't be so flaky. So she has dandruff? You yourself admitted she's hot, that alone is worth a second date. Don't brush her off for such a small thing. Meh, I'm out of puns.

miyaviichan 27

Those puns were kind of vague, fix into context, and funny. I applaud you.

you cant say this women is that perfect. she can be overly clingy, stalkerish, hell she can even be a felon. don't judge a book by its cover.

Hey, 132... Some people are in to that sort of thing.

132- have you ever tasted human? It's really not as game-y tasting as one would think. Infant back ribs are my fav. (maniacal laugh)

Kallian_fml 21

According to OPs username, she's a walking snow globe!

celiiceegee 6

Pretty sure if I went on dinner date, which I'm assuming it was, I'd have a problem if SnowGlobe ran her hand through her hair whilst I was eating ;o;

jacquesromualdez 12

What a flaky start OP, but get to know her more. Soon, it'll be all smooth like in the before/after shampoo commercials :)

minorcrisis 8

It couldn't have been that bad. If it truly was, FYL. However, it could have been a lot worse. At least she was hot. :)

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2ndSucks 15

Your picture matches your comment perfectly.

I know it was still pretty gross to you, but some people just have very dry scalps, especially in the winter. That doesn't necessarily say anything about her personal hygiene:P

priceyfml 7

I have a very dry scalp and when I go to like take off my hood or something i get scared I'm going to shed :(

I also have a VERY dry scalp. Whenever I scratch my head too hard or something, dead skin is in my fingernails. It's gross.

It also could have been Naraku; that darn demon always spams his miasma move... I've been watching too much InuYasha... Sorry :/

priceyfml 7

It's an anime/manga. I used to watch it in middle school and recently started watching it again for nostalgic reasons and to see the final season they recently created. But seriously, I don't see what's the big deal of dandruff and why every seems to freak out over it. Some people just can't get rid of it and it doesn't mean they have bad hygiene; sometimes your body likes to screw with you. People shouldn't be avoided like the plague for reasons like this.

Might have been Dry Shampoo that she didn't brush through happens. Don't be so shallow. She could be a great person. Just give her a chance.

Yeah OP she could be good a certain things you would like. Like jerkin' the gherkin. Just give her a chance.

Hairspray sheds white flakes too. No big deal OP. Get over it or you just might miss out on the "one."

It's exactly like the commercials, except he's a guy and he didnt explode into dust

Head & shoulder Knees and toes (knees and toes)

Haha the song popped in my head after posting it