By sisterly love - 14/08/2013 21:13 - United States - Santa Clara
By sisterly love - 14/08/2013 21:13 - United States - Santa Clara
By beablue18 - 04/07/2011 00:27 - Germany
By familyofpsychos - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Elkhorn
By Tinkerer - 21/08/2011 06:25 - United States
By idefka - 08/04/2017 02:00
By ugh - 05/06/2010 23:49 - Canada
By Anonymous - 29/12/2012 23:17 - United States
By poorbeauty - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Canada - Toronto
By Natalie - 02/03/2010 22:05 - Canada
By qwerty - 27/11/2018 22:08
By outoflove - 30/06/2014 21:06 - United States - Rockport
I'd be introducing her face to a metal chair.. But that's just me! FYL OP that's seriously sucks. Buy them back??
What would be the reason to buy them back they already know whats written on it
I think I second that! Face to a metal chair sounds good to me!
Why all this violence? Can we all just make up some juicy diary entries and sell them to creepy exes instead... Lol
That's one way to make money... Looks like you'll have to hide your diary for now on or make it less personal...
What did you write in it that they would actually pay her to know? And you mention boyfriendS, as in plural, meaning more then one person? In any case though, your sister has a future in sales...
Future MBA spoted.
Why didn't I think of that...
Demand royalties.
I am more interested in why your little sister is in contact with your ex's? Emphasis on the plural...
plural as in: more than one. Relating to: former boyfriendS...
That kid is a genius! Way to boost that savings account, kiddo!
A smart little entrepreneur your sister is. If she ever starts a business, I would invest.
This is the part where you put Nair in her shampoo