Better Call Small
By not-so-young-shortie - 18/02/2009 22:57 - United States
By not-so-young-shortie - 18/02/2009 22:57 - United States
By bigmouth - 02/08/2009 07:35 - United States
By Strawberry Shortcake - 30/11/2024 06:00 - United States - Lafayette
By footinmouth - 13/09/2009 05:14 - United States
By hadrienne's pall - 13/05/2016 19:25 - Canada - Markham
By Anonymous - 06/02/2011 17:53 - United States
By embarrassing - 15/07/2021 18:01
By mynameisarmpit - 15/11/2010 06:48
By awkward - 26/09/2016 21:31 - United States - Oakland
By Anonymous - 29/09/2009 19:09 - United States
By Anon - 28/01/2019 06:00 - United States - West Jefferson
I put "you deserved it" mainly because I used to be that short in high school. All the girls my height were taken by 6+ footers. It left nothing for the short guys. That's just creepy. He deserves to get that thrown in his face that he's dating a girl way too short for him.
Very true, Monkey. I spit on personality! Douchbags of the proper height are always better than those bitches who care for you regardless of appearance! Loving bastards...
okayy first...why is everyone downing short people? I, in fact, wish I was 4'11". I've wanted to be shorter than I actually am my whole life. I think it's a sign of beauty. besides she can't help that she's so small. and tall guys like the fact that their woman has to look up to them. it makes them feel more like a man. it was indeed unfortunate that the waitress did that tho. you should have looked at your man and said "Do you think I need a booster seat, baby?" and shut her ass up.
I agree with you #20 I am taller than my boyfriend, and have always wanted to be shorter
i think your man has a little people fetish...
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anyway28: what's wrong with you, asshole?!
Dude!! **** that waitress, what a ****!! I agree with #20, that would've been great.
people make honest mistakes. maybe the waitress was mentally ill o_O
Employees who assume they know relations between people and speak openly as if there's no doubt that they are correct piss me off. It's rude. I don't care if you're trying to be friendly. When you work with customers, you never assume they are siblings, dating, married, child/parent, or anything like that. It's presumptuous and rude. Even if they're correct in their assumption, I don't want STRABGERS analyzing the relationships I have with other people. If you want to make sure, ask, or better yet, if you insist on small talk, don't let your small talk rely on assumptions.
He loves you. Ask yourself this. He is handsome enough for people to randomly flirt with. He is with you. This means you are very worth his time and his love. Be proud. Height is irrelevant.
It's happened to me too, hon. ETA: and the above replies are assholes.