Big awkward moment

By JDLAX1924 - 05/08/2010 23:24 - United States

Today, my mom came into my bedroom and told me to "Listen to this voicemail." I listened to me and my girlfriend talking dirty, followed by the bed springs bouncing for three minutes. I had my phone in the pocket while I was having sex with her and it left my mom a nice voicemail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 835
You deserved it 42 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should have sex with your pants off.

u only lasted 3 minutes?!? that's pathetic


amayaa_fml 7

oh wow lol something like that would happen to me

imagineapc 11

You people are stupid. His mom saved the voicemail to validate her punishment for him. Most parents aren't okay with their kids having sex, hence the punishment, hence he saved voicemail to validate said punishment. And yes, it is possible to have sex when a guy is still wearing pants. He can unzip his fly, whip his dick out, and away they go.

anlhawks 5

I think 3 is cute :3 sucks op I wudve been like "hmm who sent you that ?" "it's from you " " ohhh haha oh that day yeah well this person from the matress place came to help me fix my bed " " ur bed broke ?" " yeah o broke ijshxbsjxjsksbjalsc

FYL man :( but at the same tine YDI. dont wear any pants next time (; still. feel bad for ya dude. And um,, his phone coulda sent it by then,, cuz he's saying the voicemail only lasted 3 minutes. it couldve been one of those phones that have a limited time for voicemails

three minutes? ouch. and uh..... were you having sex with your pants ON? sounds like a personal problem

she probably pleasures herself to it

UmbraeCatervae 0

3 and 5 shouldnt be talking shit their probably 12 year olds who havnt even kissed a girl. That sucks OP talk about an akward moment

Critter456 0

well, my phone called my husband & left him a voice mail while me & my best friend were talking about periods... but yours is worse... don't you have some kind of key board lock?

morallygrey 0

Keep your chin up OP it could always be worse-at least she was with you and hasnt whored around on you...yet

reallymily 0

wait, you had your pants on?