Big awkward moment

By JDLAX1924 - 05/08/2010 23:24 - United States

Today, my mom came into my bedroom and told me to "Listen to this voicemail." I listened to me and my girlfriend talking dirty, followed by the bed springs bouncing for three minutes. I had my phone in the pocket while I was having sex with her and it left my mom a nice voicemail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 829
You deserved it 42 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should have sex with your pants off.

u only lasted 3 minutes?!? that's pathetic


vamdragon 0

your moms probably horrified 0.0

ahahahaha sex with your pants on. for that alone you deserved it OP.

kaitlyn3xo 0

that's why I always make sure my phone is a safe distance away

really why would you have your pants on during sex, even when it's a quickie I believe pants have to come off, hahaha but that's pretty embarrassing wonder why she brought it up......

kltucker15 4

Guys, he never said he kept his pants on. He probably took them off, but accidentally dialed his mom when they were on, and the pants were still probably near them when they were *******, with the phone in the pocket.

dejavudo 0

DAMN SON, 3 minutes? I would have been sleeping for two already..