Big awkward moment

By JDLAX1924 - 05/08/2010 23:24 - United States

Today, my mom came into my bedroom and told me to "Listen to this voicemail." I listened to me and my girlfriend talking dirty, followed by the bed springs bouncing for three minutes. I had my phone in the pocket while I was having sex with her and it left my mom a nice voicemail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 829
You deserved it 42 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should have sex with your pants off.

u only lasted 3 minutes?!? that's pathetic


hthelittleone 10

uhhhhhhhhh yeah you shouldn't be wearing clothes while havin sex dumbasssss

ouchh, next time, don't have ur phone anywhere near u :P

ladyvader401 5

Only 3 minutes? More like F your girlfriend's life! :-P All kidding aside, I can only imagine how embarrassing that must have been. Bummer, OP.

karen42996 0

first of all who where's pants during all this? lol

wow u had sex with ur pants on that is sad

so your saying you had your pants on while doing her? I doubt you could activate voicemail in the pocket otherwise..