Big awkward moment

By JDLAX1924 - 05/08/2010 23:24 - United States

Today, my mom came into my bedroom and told me to "Listen to this voicemail." I listened to me and my girlfriend talking dirty, followed by the bed springs bouncing for three minutes. I had my phone in the pocket while I was having sex with her and it left my mom a nice voicemail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 829
You deserved it 42 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should have sex with your pants off.

u only lasted 3 minutes?!? that's pathetic


MAV223 0

Today, i contacted symantec online to help download an anti virus security system, so he logged into my computer to download the system himself. When i thought it was done i got onto my email and confirmed my order for the booty pop panties i just bought, thats when the symantec rep popped up and told me he was still on and needed to finish working on my pc. FML

MAV223 0

Oops i didnt mean to write that on ur fml sorry

hpfan123456 0
lilsmartie 0

wait so u make guppies with clothes on ??? fyl !! 

oxshortieexo 0

it's kinda funny cuz on the you deserve it , the first two numbers is 69 .

bahahahahaha. and voicemails only last like 3 mins.... hahaha....I expected it to be something about cheating.

YDI for wearing pants while having sex.