Boiling point

By sharky - 05/10/2012 20:25 - United States

Today, I have a massive headache, thanks to my asshat of a roommate, who decided to balance our tea kettle on the top of the kitchen door. When I stumbled into the kitchen, half-awake, it came smashing down onto my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 110
You deserved it 2 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nightwing98 22

Wait doesn't everybody keep their tea kettle there?

That's when he gets a frying pan to the balls when he's sleeping.


loserboii 11

That headache seems like it might have turned to a migraine.

Tell him: "pot meet kettle!" Then smash him on the head with the pot!

sugarshane007 20

Best suggestion I've seen yet!

your roommate's a dick who doesn't know how to pull of a proper prank.. teabag him in return

You want OP to suck his roommate's balls?

nonnieluv 9

47- no he wants the roommate to suck OP's balls

Yes, I recall that too. However that was a food not cast iron.

or could of had hot tea in it then you would have severe Burns and a headache