Boiling point

By sharky - 05/10/2012 20:25 - United States

Today, I have a massive headache, thanks to my asshat of a roommate, who decided to balance our tea kettle on the top of the kitchen door. When I stumbled into the kitchen, half-awake, it came smashing down onto my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 110
You deserved it 2 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nightwing98 22

Wait doesn't everybody keep their tea kettle there?

That's when he gets a frying pan to the balls when he's sleeping.


the_enigma1019 1

Get back at him, make his ass into a hat. That'll show him.

That suck Op get him Back... Shoot him with a paintball gun while he is in the shower

RealReality 12

I hope you are ok and that "asshat" didn't cause you too much trouble.

Massive headache? Could be a mild concussion. You need to get it checked out to be sure.

I understand a plastic bucket of water. All you get is wet and not hurt. A tea kettle was just mean.

What, did you think the bucket holding the water just magically disappears?

A plastic bucket doesn't hurt nearly as bad as a tea kettle if at all. I thought that didn't need to be said.

Briiyahh 7

Is this the part where you beat him/her with it?

Step 1: Take the kettle and fill it with water Step 2: Boil it Step 3: 'accidentally' spill it on him Result.

FlyMeAway 2

FYL! If he knew you had a headache then he is a horrible flatmate. Get him back!

OP didn't say he have a headache earlier. He got a headache after his roommate dropped the tea kettle.

I would go in rage mode if that ever happened.