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By Anonymous - 03/04/2009 22:16 - United States

Today, my family and I were in New Orleans. We passed by all of the naughty peep shows with posters of naked women everywhere on the way to dinner. At the restaurant, my dad asked me if that was the first pair of boobs I'd seen. My mom butted in saying, "Nah, remember all that porn we found?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 921
You deserved it 27 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Metal1209 0

Well, now that your parents are clearly comfortable with you watching ****, why not ask them to take you to that peep show?

ouch! wow, that some odd way your parents can talk to you huh? =p (embarrassing)


ouch! wow, that some odd way your parents can talk to you huh? =p (embarrassing)

nolasaints 0

gotta love nawlins!!! dats where I'm from!

I went there in first grade and saw my first pair

kuyekandy 0

I live there to! haha! small world! :)

you should of kept that conversation going!, great dinner talk

"Thanks Mom and Dad, I remember now why I am a virgin"

well delete the **** on that computer next time and they won't suspect you haven't seen boobs.

Metal1209 0

Well, now that your parents are clearly comfortable with you watching ****, why not ask them to take you to that peep show?

SpandexMan 0

They could have been bluffing to scare you into confessing.

Blazin247 0

atleast she wasnt angry but, that still sucks

Charons_Deckhand 0
kwbuzz23wk 0

haha find a real ****** instead of watching **** in your parents house

seitosilver 0