By sad - 26/02/2010 19:17 - United States

By sad - 26/02/2010 19:17 - United States
By David H. - 23/12/2010 08:18
By Imretarded - 24/05/2009 05:18 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/05/2014 15:54 - Canada - Sherwood Park
By Anonymous - 13/03/2014 09:34 - Australia
By gross - 11/06/2016 07:56 - Australia - Melbourne
By UHM - 06/10/2013 21:54 - United States
By Rosies - 30/11/2008 02:34 - France
By oboy - 01/03/2010 05:13 - United States
By Marteeny - 09/06/2016 03:14
By Need eye bleach - 05/04/2023 17:00 - United States
Even if he is ugly, it just means his life truly is F'ed. OP, you're putting the p***y on a pedestal.
27 yrs old and your greatest sexual adventure is a peek at mom's wrinkled flapjacks? maybe you should change teams
so i saw my moms breasts when i was a baby and i neraly spit out my milk
it's called **** it's a wonderful thing
lmao 16 FTW!!
Don't guys like MILFs? lol
@ 55 op said the first time in REAL LIFE.
I'm wondering......HOW did this happen
As a rule, if your still a virgin by 25, get a prostitiute. Just sayin.
whatever people your bot supposed to have sexual encounters unto your married........LOLOL does anyone still even beleive in that??
why would your mom show you her boobs?
she obviously felt bad for her son and finally gave in to his constant badgering to see some *******.
Time for a trip to Vegas!! Paging Dr. ******!!! Lolz
WoW has destroyed the OP's life, hahaha…poor bastard!
jus christians lol but seriously how you gunna buy a car with out givin it a test run?? abd to the op your the next 40 year old vergin
reply to 144 did it happen to be 141s lil girl friend there lol
at least u saw ****? if ur moms milfy bonus points
i do lmfao why not?
that's just plain sad.........
I have a great suggestion. sure you did.
lol I recognize myself
Do you need a hug?
my cousin likes penis
lol @241 there's already a movie similar to ur suggestion "The 40 Year Old Virgin" it's pretty funny
y would u guys ask tht
that is the stupidest comment ever
I am sincerely sorry about this. My mother enjoys walking around the house without pants on. D;
who doesn't enjoy walking around the house without pants on, that's what I do.
I'll do it if I'm home alone, but not when other people are around...
for sure
I think me and your mom are in the same club #2.
i used to walk around naked in my apt. all the time until my brother-in-law moved in with us. Now my boyfriend doesn't even let me wear shorts.
Hah, reminds me about the time I was around the house in my undies, and then my mother came home.
Wow you find panties disturbing for your mom to see? My mom literally begs me to cover up xD
hey number six why don't we walk around with no pants on together?
well look at you , I wouldn't trust my brother around you either , haha
Pathetic? And sick o.o
just what I was thinking...
well 86, #78 IS THE *****..look at the name..yeah losing virginty at 14 is something to proud of, so is contracting AIDS and teenage pregnancy...
I know somebody who lost their virginity last thanksgiving, and they're eleven. and noo, it was not me.
ewwwww to that! 11? Jesus ...
I know! so many ***** in this world.
I hope my little sister doesn't have sex at eleven, I'd throw up lol.
Yeah, I'd be worried. There may be an unfortunate reason she lost her virginity at 11. In other news: ew!
wait, can humans get nuetered?
yes its called a vasectamy for males and i forget for humans
im retarded i ment for women i dont know
ooh wierd.
t#86-great time last nite- everyone said ur a **** but goddamn how's u do THAT!!
awwwh that's horrible, your poor virgin eyes! that's what porns for.
He's watched ****. He said his first time IN PERSON was his moms. Soo yeah.
well maybe you should get a hooker?
that's what I was thinking.... seriously dude you need to get laid!
yeah you are soooo right! I mean since he clearly can't convince some girl to willingly do it it's much better for him to force some single mother/poor runaway with daddy issues to f" him so she can feed her child/pay for school/support her drug addiction. so cool I'm sure that's how he imagined the special moment. I mean god for bid he should have to make some type of effort.
So we all agree that he should definitely get a hooker. Coolbeans.
Did you at least give her a whistle? She gave you life the least you could give her in return is a slap on the butt?
What? You never saw your moms **** before?
who wuld want to u twisted ****?
Loosen your panties moron. If you couldn't tell that was a joke, you're an idiot.
lol 117 that was a funny joke
uhh I'm not sure if you get the picture, it's his MOM. that's like ******* a senior. :0
I am sincerely sorry about this. My mother enjoys walking around the house without pants on. D;
awwwh that's horrible, your poor virgin eyes! that's what porns for.