Bored out of our minds

By Maxx - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was so bored at work that I put a zip tie on my finger just for the excitement of trying to get it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 827
You deserved it 22 713


This means it DOES belong on MLIA.

blitzen123 0

I think it does too. Not that it's bad, I enjoy both sites.

Daerauko 0

wow, this "fml" just proves the downfall of this site

when we are bored, we snap towels at each other.

bdrodd 0

I thought I was on MLIA, until I realized it said FML, haha

Blue_Coconuts 7

I like MLIA, but I don't believe half of those stories. Also most of them aren't really "average"... I've never had teachers have a nerf gun fight, or found my true love by singing some song in my car, or anything like that... So yeah... Also I've never seen Harry Potter, nor am I 100% sure on what Twilight even is. Blah.

I took several of the responses here in a sexual light. but i don't think you want a zip tie on your special finger. hah.

On your finger? Couldn't you just slide it right off like a ring? I don't see how this would defeat boredom for more than a few seconds.

to #87 Depends on how tight you zip it ...

this is not a far out thing. I almost cut my finger off trying to remove a zip tie my dumb ass put on my finger. but I have to say it cure my case of a boring work day.

pipp360 0

shhshhshh don't tell the others

M4V3R1CKR13 0

not trying to be a perv but the first 4 commants are rly hot chicks ecpecialy 3#

I think it's funny that almost no one on this site actually works (I'm no different)

lol 115 I kinda cut that streak short :/ unless you have a fettish for owls

also, 110 if he tied it as tight as it sounds like, he would have to slice through his skin before he could get leverage under the zip tie, not so much a dumbass

I think I've done that before too, among other similar things. Thankfully I have changed jobs.

jakeomatic 0

Damn, second.. eh, close enough.

u reply to a comment saying first?!! are you retarded!?!

jakeomatic 0

It was first reply to the comment. Obviously. Sheesh you are so critical...

Yeah, you see there is no concept of calling out "FIRST" when it comes to replying to the second post. -_- As for the actual FML, I've never tried those so that is definitely on my to-do list. Really.

jakeomatic - if it was first to reply to the comment then you did get first so why u say that u got second and that it's close enough?

wow #4. you're not second or first look at the number on your comment box

#88: I think he meant he was the "first" to reply to the second post. I think his hat is covering that big hole where his brain used to be.

jakeomatic 0

Just to clarify, I was first to comment on the second post, then someone said I failed, then I indicated that I was replying to the second comment. Obviously.

FYLDeep 25

Escape artist in the making.

ponytailninja 0

lol I did this once. except it was around both my hands. took me 45 min to get it off.

Rick_S 3

Today, I celebrated the 5 month anniversary of losing my job by moving the last of my belongings out of my house. The bank wanted it back, and I had to leave it empty. FML Pretty much, you need to get a good grip on the fact that ANY job, no matter how boring, is better than unemployment, which is what a lot of people are facing in this economy.

jakeomatic 0

Maybe the OP lives in a country where child labor is legal and they are actually five years old. That's pretty insensitive.

your always so negative it seems...maybe I'm wrong.