Bored out of our minds

By Maxx - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was so bored at work that I put a zip tie on my finger just for the excitement of trying to get it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 827
You deserved it 22 713


Mix it up by throwing pencils up at ceiling tiles, trying to make the lead points stick in.

#50 ur sexy come over and I'll play with ur sexy boobs:p

Giorgio272 2

Awesome get me a job where you work. that sounds like super happy fun time there.

Bickerdoodles 0

YDI for not being as perfect as I am.

jakeomatic 0
Bickerdoodles 0

Rofl...I thought it was pretty cleaver. Oh well. :P

Thats when you go looking for a new job! It must be horrible to be that bored during a workday!

No yelling Snickers shush! Bad girl!

Osakhomen 0

She puts stuff up like this for attention.

jamie_leeann23 0

haha, ive done that except on my wrist, it's really hard to get off, I've had to cut it everytime, it's entertaining for like 5 seconds til it starts cutting off you're circulation.