Bored out of our minds

By Maxx - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was so bored at work that I put a zip tie on my finger just for the excitement of trying to get it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 827
You deserved it 22 713


Today, I had to go to google to find out what a zip tie is. FML.

@luongo6 - you aren't funny. You make inappropriate comments towards anything with breasts - and virtual breasts, no less! - in the vain hope that someone, somewhere will take pity on you and give you a sympathy shag. But please. Do continue with your inane drivel. You're just providing us with evidence that Western Civilisation truly is on it's last legs.

I have to agree with that. And I really do believe that luong6 has never, and will never, see/interact with a real pair of human breasts unless he paid money or threatened violence.

RetroXI 4

@35 I couldn't have said it any better than you...this little girl has to throw her 2 cents on everything...she's like the fml "hater"...the day she Dosent have anything to say will be the day pigs can fly and i've been waiting to see that for 10 years so snickers can you like not post a commment none till Tuesday...please =]?

Well... You are at work for a reason... Maybe you could actually try doing some work?

wow sounds like u don't get much work done........

Same here, cable tie fun is fairly standard in my lab as a way to pass the time

It is even way more exciting if you put them around your neck.

Did you intentionally type like that or do your fingers act on their own impulses?

lolwtfwasthat 0