Bored out of our minds

By Maxx - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was so bored at work that I put a zip tie on my finger just for the excitement of trying to get it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 827
You deserved it 22 713


sugarbabyxoxo 2

lol I almost did that once except on my wrist it never got stuck I cut it off lol. man people on this website are harsh losers! they all freak out in each other over the Internet and act like they NEVER do stupid shit... lol. grow up keyboard warriors. hahah

I've never been fond of snickerdoodles (the cookies) surprisingly, despite my full on infatuation and addiction to cinnamon. It's disappointing.

Snickers, sorry this kid works and doesn't sit his lazy ass on his computer all day looking at trying to seem like a smart person on FML, or reading MAD magazine and saying your intelligent. Get a hobby snicks.

#8 u r sexy let's hook up gimme yr phone#;)

find a job that's more interesting. office jobs are like that. I had one and couldn't help listening to my iPod and surfing ebaums or forums. I needed to go to the lavatory and splash cold water on my face every few hours. lunch time and 5pm was the only thing I looked forward to.

hey snickers I think you might have a stalker

LLLLLLLOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUU!!!!! Sorry, still excited :D

snickerdoodles is an ugly lose saggy virgin ****** thats tryn 2 spit game at herself on FML. ugly bitch n ewww u so ugly