Bored out of our minds

By Maxx - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was so bored at work that I put a zip tie on my finger just for the excitement of trying to get it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 827
You deserved it 22 713


slayer447 17

lol, this is more of a MLIA

Monikabug 9

I love how 35 thinks he knows all about Snick and what she does in her spare time. She is 16 years old, obviously she attends school, something YOU should have probably done more of. Why don't you get off her back and write a comment that is actually clever? Kay? We will wait... take your time! :)

_KCunningham 0

Actually this FML just sucks. Don't waste my time. Idk how this made it past the mods.

Zyzzva 0

You're doing it wrong. If you want the excitement of getting off you need to put the zip tie around your neck.

Hey! You think your life sucks I had FCATs the new rules are NOTHING at your desk other than a pencil and the book. I couldn't even have paper to draw on... I finished early. I spent 15 minutes trying to sleep only never managing and had to take the second half drowsy.

121, why are you wasting your time commenting on it then? jackass.

o be quiet snickerdoodles. if it keeps them entertained then good for them I mean I'm sure everyone does something stupid when they are bored even you

poolball 0

is that a naked pic of you liking yourself... email me one.