Boys will be boys

By optimistic2628 - 19/10/2011 14:03 - United States

Today, my 5 year-old twin boys decided to teach each other how to fly off the shed out back. They are still in their pajamas. Batman's arm is broken and Spiderman has a slight concussion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 047
You deserved it 7 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Silly kids, Batman and Spiderman can't fly. I hope they're ok though

How about you watch your children so stuff like that doesn't happen?


Obviously you have never taken care of kids... ask your mom how you were younger, enlightment might ensue!

that is awesome and adorable! i hope the little heros recover quickly!

"I'm Baman" "I'm Piderman! I come ober da house. We're best friends!"

Is this where we all pretend that if we were parents, we would never ever let our children out of our sight for the first ten years of their lives, and anyone who does is irresponsible and negligent? Oh, good, I'm in the right place.

twisted_cherub 14

Definitely the right place. And most of those comments are from teenagers. The same ones, I'll wager, who throw fits with their parents for never giving them any privacy and always being in their business. Ah, hypocrisy :)

onorexveritas 23

LMFAO that is so cute in a sad funny way

herponi 2

Where were you when this was all going on?

Watch your damn kids and maybe this won't happen? YDI