Boys will be boys

By optimistic2628 - 19/10/2011 14:03 - United States

Today, my 5 year-old twin boys decided to teach each other how to fly off the shed out back. They are still in their pajamas. Batman's arm is broken and Spiderman has a slight concussion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 047
You deserved it 7 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Silly kids, Batman and Spiderman can't fly. I hope they're ok though

How about you watch your children so stuff like that doesn't happen?


Gnrldisarray 0

Kids will be kids. :) I tried to parachute fro our 7' 2" wooden fence with a small umbrella at the age of 5. Luckely I didn't break anything... I say we are a bit too protective of our kids, let them get some bruises and such, this is a natural part of being a kid.

Has anyone else noticed that Batman and Spiderman are from different comic book companies and they would not ever appear together like this. I do hate when my nerd side kicks in.

37vipers 0

Wouldn't have happened to superman

All I can think of is "Are they really her kid's names?" Cause THAT would be (1) Awesome and (2) Rather crap for the kids :P x

Well that was silly. It doesn't sound like Batman was wearing his cape and everyone knows that Spiderman can't fly without his web!

TheSissons 1

What idiot leaves their 5 year old kids alone long enough to climb onto the shed? Hell i have to hear threats of CPS over my son being at the bottom of the weight chart, even though my wife and i come from families of below average people and this IDIOT can brush off her 2 kids swan diving off the shed?????? Kill yourself and save your kids lives

Whishing the op would kill herself? You're a dick...

U can't watch ur kids 24/7. They have to get hurt every once and a while to understand what danger is. Goodness ppl. All of u that are callen her a bad mother, shut up. Have ur kids ever fallen or got hurt? Yes? Well maybe u should watch em more. :P

Your comment : Everyone is a perfect parent.. UNTIL THEY BECOME ONE! These responses from hypercritical people lead me to wonder if they will beat themselves up when their own child has an accident. Show me a child that reaches adolescence unscathed and I will show you a bad parent who does not believe in letting a child have a childhood.

shouldve been watching them. but they are kids anyway, they'll do stupid stuff like that and get hurt. now they know what'll happen at least

josh72492 0

Spiderman was obviously trying to save batman. Everybody gets one.