Brain bug

By andimanastudent - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I freaked out when the remote wouldn't unlock my car. I stood in the rain trying to open the door. Unsure of what to do next, I called my boyfriend. He told me to "put the key in the door…" I'd forgotten about that option. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 636
You deserved it 68 620

Top comments

SGal25 5

dear god. holy shit, what to do without keyless entry!!!! OMG


when technology fails, remember you have a brain. or at least try to remember.

TheLastToasty 0

I wish it was legal to kill stupid people, for the betterment of socieghty. cant wait to see what the next generation of dumbasses do

Can you learn how to spell society first before you try to better it?

It's sad to see what technology is doing to the human race. I'm afraid of what will happen in the next 20 years...

hurray4jmk 1

You dumb ******* kid. I'm only 25 and even I would have thought of sticking the key in the door. How do you dress yourself in the morning?!

And? A ten year old would probably think to do that.

hurray4jmk 1

P.s. Some of you people are retarded for feeding the trolls. And then even more retarded for being p.c. assholes. Of heaven forbid someone get offended!! Guess what? Nothing happens. They get offended and then get over it. Its not like something dire happens. So go outside and offend someone already

This comment on the other hand, I like. I offend the shit out of people.

ThatLooksSticky 16

Awww! Blondes are so cute when they're confused.

Darkster 0

relying on wireless technology FTW

wow u totally deserved that one....**** his life for having such an idiot gf