Brain bug

By andimanastudent - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I freaked out when the remote wouldn't unlock my car. I stood in the rain trying to open the door. Unsure of what to do next, I called my boyfriend. He told me to "put the key in the door…" I'd forgotten about that option. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 636
You deserved it 68 620

Top comments

SGal25 5

dear god. holy shit, what to do without keyless entry!!!! OMG


Well, that's not SO dumb. At least with my car, if I locked it with the remote, the alarm will go off if I open it with the key. AND I won't be able to start the car with the key in the hopes of getting the alarm to shut the hell up.

That doesn't make it sound any better. The fact that the thought of putting the key in the keyhole didn't happen at all while sitting in the rain just makes her sound stupid. Additionally, if it's your car why would you care if the alarm goes off WHEN YOU'RE SITTING IN THE RAIN NOT ABLE TO GET HOME!

Weetart 8
Mrpher69 0

This is why women should not drive

TraceCase_ 19

OP, You're not doing the rest of us ladies any favors by sharing that story :(

RainbowHeadache 2

This shows how dependent we've become on technology. lol When I use someone else's phone that isn't touch screen I get frustrated for a minute trying to figure out why the touch screen won't work.

Same. Haha. I'm glad that other people have the same problem.

ImBored123_fml 0

Im sorry but the OP is a dumbass. The op being a female makes it worse.