Brain bug

By andimanastudent - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I freaked out when the remote wouldn't unlock my car. I stood in the rain trying to open the door. Unsure of what to do next, I called my boyfriend. He told me to "put the key in the door…" I'd forgotten about that option. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 636
You deserved it 68 620

Top comments

SGal25 5

dear god. holy shit, what to do without keyless entry!!!! OMG


Really...Are you blonde by any chance, bc I think even Pamala Anderson knows about keys. I feel sorry for this persons bf.

AlterrOnmi 0

a remote??...she failed already loll

agreed. as long as you don't forget how to do stuff (open your car door) without it. lol.

xJordieeBearhhx 0

technology has come a long way.. using the key in the door method used to be the only way to unlock a car..

Wow who knew ppl get so serious over some comments...again wow

Did you know that before this crazy technology people had to actually roll down the window manually also?