Brain bug

By andimanastudent - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I freaked out when the remote wouldn't unlock my car. I stood in the rain trying to open the door. Unsure of what to do next, I called my boyfriend. He told me to "put the key in the door…" I'd forgotten about that option. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 636
You deserved it 68 620

Top comments

SGal25 5

dear god. holy shit, what to do without keyless entry!!!! OMG


mtthewsuther2 0

ya...u didbdeserve that. shameful

Gotta love how technology can make us 'stupider'

I'm amazed that you are intelligent enough to write.

jennayyydoll 0

All of you are stupid. Just saying.

=O KEYS CAN OPEN THINGS TO!!!! NO WAY!!!! 1) its called a keyfob. Not a remote. 2) YDI!!!!

jenaandtyler4eva 0

maybe you should learn everything about using a car before you use it!! I hope you use your signals and don't speed or go across a double yellow line cause we don't need car accidents lol

nason222 0

#94 is just butt hurt because hes gay. Grow up.