Brave guy

By AbandonedHouseWife - 17/10/2012 20:16 - Canada - Grande Prairie

Today, I woke up and found a little note where my husband should have been. It said, "We've had some good times, hun, but it's time for me to move on." We've been married for 15 years, and have 3 children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 553
You deserved it 2 585

Same thing different taste


I hope you broke it off with him. Oh wait...

Maybe he was a spy. Assigned by the government to protect your family, you've had kids along the way and now that your family and kids are safe, it's time for your hero to move on to his next mission. and just like he came, he left. Just keep telling yourself that OP

No, but seriously could he do that? How dare he do that! it's not even funny if it were a joke. That is cruel of him to do, and you were married for 15 YEARS!

Would have been funny if the other side said "Gotcha, I went to go get a newspaper.'

I live in Alberta Canada, and I haven't heard anything from my parents since yesterday. 0_0

flockz 19

because i killed them. with my hawks.

thats when he surprised you with breakfast in bed right?.. Right.. no? okay then.

thats when he surprised you with breakfast in bed right?.. Right.. no? okay then.

gmc_blossom 21

thats when he surprised you with breakfast in bed right?.. Right.. no? okay then.

And your first reflex was to post this on FML?

It's entirely plausible this happened a while ago. Remember, the "Today.." at the beginning of every FML is mandatory for the site. It doesn't mean that's when the FML actually happened.

True, but my point was that I'm not sure that's something I could share with the internet for "entertainement" purposes, still is sad and I'm sorry to hear that…

redmane 21

You do know this is what FML is for, right?