Brief break

By daddyowl - 25/05/2012 04:32 - Canada - Montreal

Today, after five months of unemployment and hardcore job searching, I got hired for my dream job. I called my mum to tell her all about it, to which she responded, "Great honey! Now all you need to do is lose all that weight." She allowed me all of four minutes of feeling good about myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 296
You deserved it 3 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mothers. can't live with them, can't live without them.

Sure you would, tough guy. Watch out, we got a badass over here!


texas_redneck88 10

Dude we have the same mom! I completely feel you!

Its called constructive criticism. It shows that she cares. Appreciate it cause honesty is rare. People will prefer to talk behind your back while you spiral to your doom. Ever heard of the 'Frog in the pot' analogy?

She wasn't being constructive at all. She was being a bitch.

Yes because OP is gonna get on a site for those shitty moments and say that mom was being anything less? Grow up and realize that the truth is somewhere in between and mother may have said it wrong but it hurt OP's feelings, so she came here to complain about her mom. Mom may very well not be a bitch, just honest.

Nobody cares about fat peoples stories. If you weren't as fat she would have been interested - but all she sees/hears is "how can my own child be that fat" over and over again.

Congratulations OP! Don't let your mom steal your joy!

caplox 6

Don't let her bring you down. Good job OP!

You know, she means well. My mom makes comments like that sometimes. Just tell her you will get a gym membership and buy some cute gym gear.

Sk8trlover19 3

Yea parents if there not cool or happy for you for real they will sadly ruin it for you but congrats on that

zuzupetalsYO 11

That's way more than my mom allows me. Sorry OP, I don't know why mothers do this to their children.

lovepandorasaver 11

Not a great time to bring it up I agree, but hey whenever one thing goes well I try to keep the ball rolling, that might of been her point