Brief break

By daddyowl - 25/05/2012 04:32 - Canada - Montreal

Today, after five months of unemployment and hardcore job searching, I got hired for my dream job. I called my mum to tell her all about it, to which she responded, "Great honey! Now all you need to do is lose all that weight." She allowed me all of four minutes of feeling good about myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 296
You deserved it 3 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mothers. can't live with them, can't live without them.

Sure you would, tough guy. Watch out, we got a badass over here!


I know it's crappy to hear but I'm sure it's either not a surprise or it's untrue. Congrats on the job though!

kitsune3 20

No offense, OP, but you need to get over it. At least she gave you a little time, and that's better than nothing. Also, it's part of a parent's job to push his or her kids to improve themselves. Don't take it so hard.


I bet OP's mom has been cutting OP down like this his entire life. OP, FYL. At least when you're an adult there's therapy.

Try not to let her get you down. You made a great accomplishment, and if she can't be excited for you, screw her. Go do something nice for yourself and celebrate. You deserve it.

Congrats indeed! But... If you had five months what better time to save money by eating right and do a couple laps around the block even 3x a week? New goal at least! Good luck.

megliz22 4

sounda like something my mom would say.

cynthiastarz 10

I have a mom like that too. She always focuses on the negative.

Feeling good about yourself is for winners. Now drop and give me 20.