Brief break

By daddyowl - 25/05/2012 04:32 - Canada - Montreal

Today, after five months of unemployment and hardcore job searching, I got hired for my dream job. I called my mum to tell her all about it, to which she responded, "Great honey! Now all you need to do is lose all that weight." She allowed me all of four minutes of feeling good about myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 296
You deserved it 3 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mothers. can't live with them, can't live without them.

Sure you would, tough guy. Watch out, we got a badass over here!


I feel you OP..,my mom did the same exact thing to me when I got into my dream college...ain't that a bitch

What is your dream job? Why would you need to lose weight for it? Not being offensive, just wondering what the job is where you need to be skinny.