Brief break

By daddyowl - 25/05/2012 04:32 - Canada - Montreal

Today, after five months of unemployment and hardcore job searching, I got hired for my dream job. I called my mum to tell her all about it, to which she responded, "Great honey! Now all you need to do is lose all that weight." She allowed me all of four minutes of feeling good about myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 296
You deserved it 3 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mothers. can't live with them, can't live without them.

Sure you would, tough guy. Watch out, we got a badass over here!


sweetheart4410 1

Congrats on ur new dream job :) don't worry about her

pammievb 2

I'm sorry OP. sometimes Mothers' do that, make mistakes. They're not perfect but I bet she loves you dearly in her own way :) oh and Congratulations on the new job.

perdix 29

So, go and lose the weight! Then, your mom will tell you your face is ugly and your personality is dull and annoying. Just letting you know what's in store. Congrats on the job, eh?

Congratulations on the job, OP! And only lose weight if YOU want to. If you're comfortable with the way you look, then good for you :) That's awesome. If you're unhappy with how you look, then lose the weight. But only for yourself and only if it makes you happy.

Someone had thumbed down this comment, might I ask why? It's a pretty valid comment IMO.

TheDrifter 23

Many people are "comfortable" at weights in excess of six hundred pounds, does that make me an asshole for pointing out that it's killing them? Sure, all things are voluntary, but op's mom pointing out a potential health issue to her daughter doesn't make her a bitch.

31- couldn't agree more. She may have had a poor delivery method, but when you're overweight, someone needs to tell you, and not hold your hand and tell you it's okay. How is it that we have a ton of people out there willing to tell someone smoking is bad for them, but it's taboo to tell someone that being overweight is bad for you?

Sometimes moms say things thinking they're being nice. I've gotten stuff like that alot.. Congrats on the job though!

ur lucky at least u have ur dream job !!

booklover428 19

Congratulations on the job, though :).

Congrats. Don't worry . With all your new money u can put your mom in the best old people home, then she' can talk all the smack she wants