
By Anon - 22/03/2012 23:32 - United States - Stony Point

Today, I spotted a $100 bill on the ground. Being a little strapped for cash, I excitedly picked it up. I discovered it was one of those religious tract papers made to look like a folded bill, with a message scolding me for being greedy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 048
You deserved it 4 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blink182AAR 6

Well what if someone picked it up to return? Finding money isn't being greedy, better than letting it go to waste. Don't religious people have better things to do?

Those suck. I found one that said "don't get too excited, it's only 10 bucks"


These religious people need a damn set up fake money with a scolding on it...they must need a life

Who knew religious people could be trolls? ::sarcasm::

TheEpicMilkMan 13

That's rediculous. They seriously wouldn't pick up money off the street?

We should be scolding them for littering !! How dare they contribute to trashing up our planet!!!!

linkinpark98 23

We should get the animal in your picture to go flip them off! :D (I said animal because I forget the name.)

pinkpixie06 11

Holy cow!! What kind of animal is that in your picture?! It looks like an obese gorilla.

jaredofmo 22

Picking up a $100 bill (or what looks like one) isn't greedy. It's basic human nature. Whether you'd keep it, pass it to a hobo on a corner, or donate it to some cause, you see money, you pick it up. Also human nature: pissed at someone lying. Lying's a sin, and lying is just another form of deception, which making a tract look like money IS.

Another waste of time from some religious douche

linkinpark98 23

Not all religious people are 'religious douches'. I for one, am Catholic, but I don't go shoving it down peoples faces. Only the people who constantly bring it up, or do shove it down people's throats deserve that name.

Yeah because god pays the bills.. Apparently..

Rbroome21 0

Doesn't matter how religious you are, find a $100 bill laying by itself on the ground anyone would pick it up. That is not being greedy. Its not like you can track down it's owner.

perdix 29

If you'll bend over for $100, I think we can fix you up with a steady stream of real $100 Bills (or, Johns ;) )