Build your own

By Anonymous - 05/09/2024 13:00 - United States - Maryland Heights

Today, after my wife gave birth to another of our daughters, she announced that this was the last one. When I reminded her I still needed a son to carry on my name, she replied, "Well, you've got four girls. You want a boy? Birth him yourself!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 90
You deserved it 1 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a s*xist thing to say in 2024. Girls can carry on the family name too, ya know.... And carrying kids is hard enough without you complaining that one isn't a boy. My Dad had 3 girls, and all 3 of us are using his family name - married. Get your head out your *ss.

Comes down to you bud… women have 2 X chromosomes. Men have an X and a Y. It’s your fault for shooting only Xs…. 4 times. Don’t be a daft misogynist. Girls are awesome!


Misogynistic pig. So what, if you had a boy would you love him more because he can "carry on the family name". You sound so stupid and I don't know what she sees in you

You do know the baby's gender is determined by the father's sperm, right? So it's your fault all your kids are female. And seriously, you make your wife go through four births and all you can do is complain that you didn't get a boy? So... does this mean you're going to neglect your daughters? What a sexist prick you are.