Bump in the road

By misshb - 18/01/2010 01:26 - United Kingdom

Today, my long term ex, who broke up with me over a year ago and shattered my heart, seduced me (which wasn't hard, as he knew I still had feelings for him) and as he pulled out after the couple of minutes of what he called sex, he used the line, "There we go, that's your freebie." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 262
You deserved it 22 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jazlyn1986 0

why would u fall for it again?

Nic_hole 0

ahhh dude :/ he's a prick! you seriously don't deserve to be treated like that, well actually, NOBODY Should be treated like that..


YDI for trying to draw pitty for YOUR dumb move. Also, quit trying to justify being a *****. He walked up to you, said 5 words, and you hopped in the sack with him. He didn't seduce you, you're just a ****. You didn't move on, and you decided to get with him. Quit being a dumb **** and grow up.

Is she hot? Cause if she is, I'll replace her ex. Haha!

Well I'm more attractive than the fat little toad that was my ex, at least. Dumb ass move on my part = most likely! But when you still have feelings for someone, that used to not be a knob, then it's difficult to turn down an opportunity to be close to them again. Weak of me? Yup, sure was. Did I get my own back for his comment... of course ;) God bless having contacts in creative industries!

aww that's mean. don't let ppl like him treat u like that again even if u really like him. he doesn't deserve u

Nuahavizu 17

So.... why do women keep dating these assholes?

kaziki123 0

that sucks never herd that one used b4

lalapahalica 0

I'm really sorry that happened to you >.< !!!

Run away from him!!! Love yourself first instead of an asshole like that!! We've all had those losers, they will always make you feel like shit! Don't worry, love yourself, think what type of guy would really make you happy (the opposite of your ex certainly) and that new guy will come and treat you like a princess, which is what you and we all deserve...

dreamer9614 3

Uh guys, it doesn't sound like he told her she was pretty and then they went to bed. He SEDUCED HER. If she's being seduced and she's really in love with him, it's not easy to just say 'no' and walk away.