
By morningeyes - 19/05/2009 14:19 - United States

Today, I was trying to remove a temporary tattoo my friend put on my cheek. When warm water and soap didn't work, I tried something else. Just so you know, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers do not, in fact, work by magic. Tell that to the massive chemical burn covering half my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 136
You deserved it 95 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

monkeyz0r 0

LOL fail one time i put a backyardigans tattoo on my ass and it stuck to my underwear

Smart. Not the best idea, now is it? Magic erasers are not for bodies.


wowfmlife 0

Wow, doesn't it say not to use it on you? And ever heard of rubbing alcohol?

There's actually been NUMEROUS stories of small children with chemical burns from these "magic erasers", some even hospitalized. Good rule of thumb: house hold cleaning products should never be used on the skin.

lifsukssumtimes 0

oh my god. i'm so sorry. i'm used to peculiar rashes on my face. i'm allergic to the main ingrediants in all acne soaps, i'm with you

ibby21 0

YDI for using something for removing stains on walls and countertops on your face...

deaditegirl 0

YDI. What made you think that was at all a good idea? Are you stupid?

YDI for thinking it would work. It's for cleaning household surfaces, not for your skin. I'm amazed you couldn't smell it.

But wait... TV wouldn't lie to you... would it?

People are getting more and more retarded.

how retarded do you have to be to not know that a Mr.Clean product is not, i repeat, IS NOT used for anything besides household cleaning. seriously, you 100% deserved that.

alyssamarie218 0

you werent aware that magic erasers are like bleach and several other chemicals? wow.