
By morningeyes - 19/05/2009 14:19 - United States

Today, I was trying to remove a temporary tattoo my friend put on my cheek. When warm water and soap didn't work, I tried something else. Just so you know, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers do not, in fact, work by magic. Tell that to the massive chemical burn covering half my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 136
You deserved it 95 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

monkeyz0r 0

LOL fail one time i put a backyardigans tattoo on my ass and it stuck to my underwear

Smart. Not the best idea, now is it? Magic erasers are not for bodies.


wow all u idiots who are yelling at him because he should have known what the chemicals would do to him...u guys are retarded. if what you say is true, why doesn't your hands melt away when you use it to wash the wall or something? THERE ARE NO CHEMICALS IN MAGIC ERASERS! the shape of the molecules connect to form the equivalent of super extra fine sandpaper, thus cleaning "impossible" stains. u dumbasses

oh nooooo. you know that's harsh stuff! if it were for your face it would've said that. Actually it probably says "not for personal use" on it somewhere lol. I think you're supposed to use baby oil or rubbing alcohol

augustdanielle 0

all I can say is.. WOW. HUGE facepalm

dang_fml 0

i'm pretty sure it says on the package not to use it on your skin lmao YDI

metrochic 0

you know they have "not for bodily use" written on the side right?

On the bright side, you now know magic is not real.

YDI, simply because, you're an idiot.

maasturbate 0