Bye bye!

By Tickettoride - 04/05/2013 10:24 - Austria - Vienna

Today, my boyfriend and I stressed out preparing for our one week holiday. We packed for the whole day, said goodbye to everyone and arrived at the airport quite exhausted after a 45-minute train ride. Turns out our flight isn't until tomorrow. The check-in lady couldn't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 073
You deserved it 16 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I never understood people who stress about going on holiday. For ****'s sake, just throw some shit in a bag, get on the plane, and enjoy yourselves!

oj101 33

Taking punctuality to a whole new level.


My brother did the same thing on his trip to Thailand several years back. We had to go back to the airport the next day to drop him off "again". Haha

If you were planning a vacation, wouldn't you know the date of departure and be counting down to it?? I would be! You and your boyfriend are dumbasses!

ctlnaaia71 8

Get a hotel room close to the airport, that would save you three 45 minutes train ride, and the embarrassment of telling this story to everybody :-)

I'm pretty sure a train ride home and a train ride back to the airport is only two train rides.

They had already taken one 45 train ride to the airport. So the initial trip, the one back home, and the one back to the airport would make 3.

"save you three train rides" is the quote. Three train rides from the airport ends up back at home.

At least your all ready for tomorrow!

So you stressed out about everything except checking the time/date of your flight? Arguably the most important thing to keep in mind before you leave!

Now u and your boyfriend get one more day alone together.

Hmmm. I can't decide... Dumbass, moron, idiot...guess they all apply.

I totally did the same thing a few years ago visiting home.. I had to call my dad to come back and pick me up.. At least I got to visit with some more family!!

Why would you stress out so much for a week holidays?? And did you really need to pack all day for such a short holidays??