Call the cops

By Anonymous - 07/09/2009 06:05 - United States

Today, I took a look at my boyfriend's videocamera. On it were several videos of me on the toilet. My boyfriend has been hiding the videocamera in the bathroom airvent, and taping me taking dumps for the past three months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 935
You deserved it 4 756

Same thing different taste


you all realise she wasn't the only 1 being taped right? it's not like the guy would go to the bathroom to put the camera on the airvent just when she went to the bathroom... so... hey! feel better! you weren't the only 1 taped!!!

LOL - Maybe he just actually wanted to film himself taking a dump and you're just the innocent bystandard. Either way, fyl. - I wasn't serious, WIERD WIERD WIERD guy.

picturetaker 0
spyderman2190 0

yeh in my own little world i like to think the same thing, kinda ruined that for me

DUMP HIM. that's weird and disgusting.

fakkumairaifu 14

He violated your privacy in a really big way. Dump him ASAP, and take the tapes to the police if it really bothers you.

Agreed. You have to do more than just dump him

sexymessy 0

Wow that conversation is going to be awkward.Idk how I would even handle that situation FYL!

next time touch yourself and all that...makes ******** sexier!

that is sick,is he your ex now, sick,could of done when you were in a shower,but not toilet..lmao