Call the cops

By Anonymous - 07/09/2009 06:05 - United States

Today, I took a look at my boyfriend's videocamera. On it were several videos of me on the toilet. My boyfriend has been hiding the videocamera in the bathroom airvent, and taping me taking dumps for the past three months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 935
You deserved it 4 756

Same thing different taste


Silverill 0

truly an fml if the videos turned you on.

Sk69Dk 0
baseball11670 0

I assume the video footage was set up at his house? If not, it makes the crime that much worse.

Vertical Smile, you're on Candid Camera! How did he manage to get the dumps and not the pisses? I've heard of cameras with motion detection and face detection, are there now ones with turd-detection?

A question no one asked...did he later jack off to the poster's open ass or to the turd coming out? lool

I hope you " DUMP" him. That is just 10 kinds of sick and wrong.

wellinever 5

F his life. His little secret has been discovered and plastered all over the internet. Wonder how he feels right now? Cheer him up. Tell him you dump HIM. Film it on his camera.

hahaha when u break up wit him hes gunna send the vids to everyonw

2345_fml 0

Thats why you delete them first. Take the memory card as well if she doesnt smash the camera to begin with.