Can't be bothered, TBH

By bummer.. - 02/03/2013 06:05 - United States

Today, I found out that the man I just married doesn't want to have children. We had this conversation multiple times with no problems before getting married, but now he would "rather die" than have children, because according to him, they would ruin his life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 988
You deserved it 5 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hellobobismyname 24

I may be wrong about this so anyone is free to correct me, but I think that's reasonable grounds for divorce. If you wanted kids and he knew that, and he fooled you about wanting them himself, then that's an enormous problem. I hope you don't feel like there's nothing you can do now. No man can take motherhood away from you. I say try to work things out and find out why he suddenly changed his mind, but if he lied just to get you to marry him then please leave. That's just so disrespectful..

I think dying would ruin his life too. So he's screwed either way.


If you love him, you can be happy with being with just him. If you need to have kids to be happy - it isn't a man you are looking for, it's a sperm donor. That said, he should have been honest with you. However, the human population is way too high as it is. I would honestly reccommend that you adopt. There are too many foster kids in this country. In a way, you are still giving a child life.

He doesn't want kids period. Why would adopting be any different. And desperately wanting to raise a child with someone you love isn't only "looking for a sperm donor". She had hopes and expectations and they were dashed.

skyeyez9 24

Oh for ***** sake stop with the self righteous "You dont needs kids anyways because there are too many people in this world" bullshit! Some areas are crowded and big cities are, but I can drive thru colorado, nebraska, new mexico, parts of west texas, Arizona, wyoming, parts of south dakota and not see another person for hundreds of miles! Government corruption imo is alot more dangerous than "over population." Govt corruption leads to genocide, famine because they withhold the food sent as aid to keep for themselves and their soldiers (like africa and north korea do)

skyeyez9 24

And not everybody is capable and prepared to adopt a foster kid. Many are so mentally screwed up from years of sexual abuse, addicted to drugs, neglect, bounced around from home to home. I do not want to bring a kid home who was molested and raped for fear he would start acting out the abuse on my own child....which IS common for abused kids to do. And I will not put my own child in danger in order to adopt some 14yr old teen who is a complete stranger.

"It isn't a man you are looking for, it's a sperm donor".... wow I find that to be a very unfair statement.toward OP. For some, having children is a very important aspect of their life. Wanting to have a family with the man you love is absolutely not "looking for a sperm donor". If I married a man that told me he wanted children (having children is something I have dreamed about since I was young) and then after marriage he said he no longer did I would feel betrayed and cheated.

#69 - Quite a few adopted children aren't screwed up from sexual abuse or addicted to drugs. I wasn't. My brother kind of was. We never once assaulted or molested each other.

#144...That's true, but it's also understandable that some parents don't want to take that risk. You can't just adopt a kid, then take it back for a refund if you don't like the person he/she is. Adopting or fostering a child is a long and arduous process, and parents aren't always guaranteed to get one who isn't screwed up. So it's totally understandable why some parents wouldn't want to do that. You have to be a pretty dedicated parent to not only take a stranger into your home, but to help them through any of the serious problems they might have as a result of being in foster care.

Why would he do that? Why would someone kid about having children with someone. It would have been child's play for him to tell you he did not want kids.

He waited til wedlock to make his point official? Abstain from sex for a while and see if he can live without that. I'm sure he would rather die than go without that for months at a time. Unless he cheats, then it would be official that you married an asshole.

He lied to her about a very important issue so she'd marry him. It's already official, 21.

skyeyez9 24

Or just No more sex at all, and get an annulment. Because if chance she did get pregnant with his baby, he would either hate the baby for "ruining his life" or leave her and disappear.

HungerGames95 13

Manipulating him with sex may or may not work, but he would hate the baby. it would be better for the child if she just found a man that he loved and that did want kids.

While I don't really want kids myself (and am, in fact, physically incapable of having them), I would *never* fathom getting married to someone who wanted their own biological children and not tell them my physical issues and misgivings. That's pretty horrid! Both myself and my partner of eight years have decided that we don't want children - if someday we change our mind, it will be to foster a child.

That's really unfair and dishonest of him to do that to you. I hope he changes his mind and you work if out.

That is SO awful! :O I'm sorry for you OP :( He must've thought "HAHAHA, got you now!" when he married you, but you could actually file for divorce pretty easily because of this. I also think that one would be able to sue the person for the money spent on the wedding too, if one can prove that one's right. How can anyone think this isn't a big problem to lie about such a thing?! It's not like it's OK, and it's not easier to resolve this when one is already married!

skyeyez9 24

Or make him hate the baby and his wife for ruining his life as he stated. And go out and cheat. If a guy is selfish enough to lie in order to marry her, he is selfish enough to abandon her and the baby, go out drinking with friends every other day while leaving wife and baby home alone or troll clubs to look for a woman to have sex with.

If having children matters a lot to you then either work it out or leave him, you shouldn't let someone dictate whether you can/cannot be a mother! it's your body after all.

That is a terrible thing to lie about :( I don't understand why he thought it would all turn out fine once you married though - he can't expect to suddenly tell you he doesn't want kids and you to agree! He must know even though you're married you can still leave him.