Can't be bothered, TBH

By bummer.. - 02/03/2013 06:05 - United States

Today, I found out that the man I just married doesn't want to have children. We had this conversation multiple times with no problems before getting married, but now he would "rather die" than have children, because according to him, they would ruin his life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 988
You deserved it 5 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hellobobismyname 24

I may be wrong about this so anyone is free to correct me, but I think that's reasonable grounds for divorce. If you wanted kids and he knew that, and he fooled you about wanting them himself, then that's an enormous problem. I hope you don't feel like there's nothing you can do now. No man can take motherhood away from you. I say try to work things out and find out why he suddenly changed his mind, but if he lied just to get you to marry him then please leave. That's just so disrespectful..

I think dying would ruin his life too. So he's screwed either way.


Point out to him that before the wedding he was all for children, what had changed his mind? If he doesn't want to give you an explanation, and the fact he lied to you, I'd point out to him you can annul the marriage. Sorry, but someone like that lied through his teeth or something happened recently

Being the father of a rambunctious 2yearold I know children are a life changer. No 2ways about it. Figure out what he wants, why he changed his mind, ESP. after you 2 had convos over it and if he really did lie then an annulment probably would be best, sadly. However if you 2 can work it out great!

However from the sound of it he might still be young and want to do some things first...I'm just saying its possible that he could want to skydive or take a trip cross country or do a number of other things that would be tough to do with a baby in tow. I could be totally wrong and he could be an ass

Tell him you would "rather die than have sex with him, because it would ruin your life."

Maybe he just wants to...y'know...ENJOY life rather than give up EVERYTHING for kids.

BriannaRWatson 13

My husband was the same way when we first got married. He didn't put it that way though. Anyway, give him some time and he'll grow out of it. Why jump into having kids if you 'just married' him? Spend some time as husband and wife. Trust me, he'll grow up.

Not necessarily. Just because she's "grown up" doesn't mean he's not for not wanting kids. There's ALOT of negative factors that go into play for BOTH parties when kids are thrown into the mix...ugh.

deelishy1409 4

my boyfriend feels the same way :(

If you want kids, why would you be with him? For woman that want kids, it can cause a huge void in our lives

He's having an affair, so children will make the divorce more difficult.

That is a deal breaker by all standards !!!

You're right...Kids ARE a dealbreaker.

asia3pea90 13

Get those divorce papers ready :/