Can't be bothered, TBH

By bummer.. - 02/03/2013 06:05 - United States

Today, I found out that the man I just married doesn't want to have children. We had this conversation multiple times with no problems before getting married, but now he would "rather die" than have children, because according to him, they would ruin his life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 988
You deserved it 5 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hellobobismyname 24

I may be wrong about this so anyone is free to correct me, but I think that's reasonable grounds for divorce. If you wanted kids and he knew that, and he fooled you about wanting them himself, then that's an enormous problem. I hope you don't feel like there's nothing you can do now. No man can take motherhood away from you. I say try to work things out and find out why he suddenly changed his mind, but if he lied just to get you to marry him then please leave. That's just so disrespectful..

I think dying would ruin his life too. So he's screwed either way.


Im not gona lie i totally agree with him.

Maybe he changed his mind because you don't have a happy marriage? Also are children or your spouse more important, if you think there's any possibility that you will get divorced (10, 20 years down the road even) will you even be able to have children that far into the future? I don't personally want kids at any point in time, I cant imagine lying to someone about that fact for years just to get married, so maybe he's just going through a temporary change of heart.

My longest and most solid relationship ended because I'll never have kids. I can absolutely understand his point of view. That said, unless something has changed for him recently (maybe he's having so much fun being married to you and travelling with you that he can't imagine losing it), then this is a topic that should have come up years before the wedding day. I can't specifically say whether your life sucks or not... Are you sure there were no signs before now? Talk to him.

Helmut Arias Rodriguez 21

Well, he’s right. He reserves the right to change his mind anytime. Having kids is a lifelong commitment, and not everyone can commit to it.