Can't you see?

By imaqtb - 09/09/2010 03:35 - Canada

Today, I was working at a restaurant. This guy comes up to the counter and asks if he could have some toothpicks. I told him they were right in front of him. He said, "Sorry, I'm blind." Thinking it was a joke, I laughed until he said, "No, seriously." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 634
You deserved it 37 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

And then you apologized and everything was fine.

Should have told him you were blind, too.


having a blind grandfather, I've dealt with dolts like you many times, ydi...

Usually employees hand things to the customers then you would of seen he was blind unless if you were a stupid person that waves things in peoples faces

slhiggx 17

What does a blind man need a toothpick?How can he see what he has in between his teeth to pick it out with?

kaitlinthecutie 0

how did he know where to walk and that you were standing in front of him if he was blind?

haha 29 was the line "I don't see it" in your comment supposed to make me laugh!

Matty1188 6

Um, he could probably feel it with his tongue/between his teeth and it was annoying him. Do you also think he doesn't brush his teeth because he can't see them?

demomanX 0

so he came to the restaurant(assuming with someone) why did they go up to get it? wouldn't the person they came with get it for them instead of making their blind friend go? that's like telling someone in a wheelchair to go upstairs to get something for them