Can't you see?

By imaqtb - 09/09/2010 03:35 - Canada

Today, I was working at a restaurant. This guy comes up to the counter and asks if he could have some toothpicks. I told him they were right in front of him. He said, "Sorry, I'm blind." Thinking it was a joke, I laughed until he said, "No, seriously." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 634
You deserved it 37 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

And then you apologized and everything was fine.

Should have told him you were blind, too.


@99 Blind people DO go places by themselves all the time. People in wheelchairs do the same. Just as often as you or I would on our own.

PaloDI 0

most blind people I know have a good sense of humor, and will laugh out something like that. I have a friend that likes to use his condition to make jokes on others. Now one thing that some blind people consider rude is to be around them while being silent for a long time, it gives them the impression that you're trying to sneak on them, and believe me they will notice. didn't know...lots of people (like my sister) don't look like they're blind...unless you see their white cane. ydi for laughing though.

why would someone joke about that? next time, be considerate.

#106 that's is actually a common thing people say when they miss something that is right in front of them She wasn't being inconsiderate it was an accident

#106 that's is actually a common thing people say when they miss something that is right in front of them She wasn't being inconsiderate it was an accident

I think I missed another Book of Eli reference. Either that, or I'm ridiculously reading impaired tonight. BTW, I noticed he was blind too!

Aw come on why are there so many ydi's? People say 'I'm blind' a lot as a sort of joke when they miss something obvious all the time! OP couldn't tell, sheesh. I'm sure the guy was okay with it anyway, it's not that big of a deal.

Hey guys! As the op to the story let me just clear some things up. First of all, I didn't actually say or insinuate that the gentleman was "blind". I simply "laughed" because I thought he made a joke. Like some people have said the phrase has become quite common. Please read the full story before posting assumptions. Secondly, of course I apologized it was rude of me to have reacted that way. The man was a "joker" he didn't have a walker and was only partially blind as most visually impaired people are. If you looked at him, he didn't give any indication at all he was visually impaired. This man could make out his surroundings easily but for smaller objects such as toothpicks he had a bit more difficulty finding. He was joking with me just as I thought I was joking with him. It was all a misunderstanding, I wouldn't even post such a thing if I thought i did the most horrible thing in the world.

Pzml 0

sounds like a scene out of dare devil... only it toothpicks and not mustard..