Cash grab

By Megan - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Fayetteville

Today, I was doing my laundry when I saw a dollar bill at the bottom of the washer. I excitedly dove in to retrieve the money, and promptly hit and broke my nose on the washer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 918
You deserved it 26 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLandurstoo 9
soccergurrll 8

You broke your nose over a dollar...


Slow down! It's not like the washer gnomes will get to it first! It's not a race! Just don't close the washer and reopen it. THEN the washer gnomes would have gotten to it.

And that's why you say you sweat blood for money. :P

sweetmama88 6

See that's what greed will get you , very stupid move . I sure hope that the dollar was worth it ! .

So if somebody picks up a dollar, they're greedy?

I will never understand why some people type their sentences and add a space before adding punctuation at the end of their sentence ! Can somebody please explain this to me ?

ImmaB3AST 7

What are you getting for Hanukkah this year?

coughyochick 7

Were you that desperate? I understand its a recession and you live in Arkansas, but, good god.

perdix 29

Were you whipped into a frenzy by those McDonald's Dollar Menu ads? God only knows what kind of damage you'd do if you spotted a Klondike Bar in there.

Dafuq? You can't just stick your hand in there? :/

Michael_92 20

Then how do you get your clothes out!?

buttercup1998 5

For a 100 dollar bill I can understand but 1 dollar lol really?!