Cash grab

By Megan - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Fayetteville

Today, I was doing my laundry when I saw a dollar bill at the bottom of the washer. I excitedly dove in to retrieve the money, and promptly hit and broke my nose on the washer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 918
You deserved it 26 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLandurstoo 9
soccergurrll 8

You broke your nose over a dollar...


Turtle_rebellion 10

Calm down! It's a dollar, not the cure for cancer!

klol_fml 11

Looks like you got a hospital bill instead.

linkinpark98 23

Thats sucks that a dollar won't pay the hospital bills... I think you got a little too excited there, girl.

Probably shouldn't mention how excited I get when I see change in the bottom of my washer then, huh...?

How broke are you if you get that excited over a dollar

I guess you won't think it's worth it when the hospital bill arrives. :D

Guys, you're forgetting the most important part!! OP, did you succeed in grabbing the dollar?

Why would you take money that has been laundered?

tmmundy 17

It's the best kind. It's nice and clean. Why wouldn't you want clean money?

tmmundy 17

At least you find money in the washer. I only find bullets and ink pens from when my husband has washed his clothes previously.

#37, Bullets?! Talk about hazardous washers...