
By MouseChaser - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned that as adorable as it might be to watch your cat follow your cursor around the screen, the humor ends when she dives into and breaks the monitor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 081
You deserved it 28 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lets be honest here, you threw your cat at your monitor cause your KDR went down didn't you?


thats when the humour begins for anyone watching ;) Im not saying " FIRSTTSTTTTTTT " because i am in fact 2nd

You wouldn't believe on how easy it is to break a lcd monitor. And to the OP: YDI, use a laser pointer next time dumbass

Did she break the screen or knock off the monitor entirely?

ipownyew234 0

thats what u get for messing with ur cat like that

sayheyyybabe 0

Why would you let your cat do that?


Haha! I laughed out loud at this one! My cat tries to do this sometimes, but I simply remove her from my computer desk. I suggest doing this next time. It will teach her not to jump up on things and mess with your computer. My cat hasn't done this in about a month and she does not jump up on countertops/the kitchen table anymore. But I'm going to have to say YDI because you let your cat do this. If you would have used just a little bit of common sense, I'm pretty sure this wouldn't have happened. Use your noggin next time.

JeffLap2 0

Lets be honest here, you threw your cat at your monitor cause your KDR went down didn't you?