
By MouseChaser - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned that as adorable as it might be to watch your cat follow your cursor around the screen, the humor ends when she dives into and breaks the monitor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 082
You deserved it 28 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lets be honest here, you threw your cat at your monitor cause your KDR went down didn't you?


yea right, Then how are you posting this fool.

Theres no law where I'm from that limits people to one computer per household, where do you live?

That's right - one computer ONLY! Also, as we all know, since EVERY SINGLE FML starts with the word "today", that means it HAS to have happened today. Not only today, but no more then 5 seconds ago so the OP has no other possible access to any other computer.

CarterColbie 4

If your computer's broken how did you post this?

gangstapebbles89 0

YDI, I don't even own cats and I know they will jump at moving stuff if they are following it. Same with laser lights. Also, how hard is your cat's head? Being able to break a monitor with it? All of the computer screens I ever owned would be able to take a cat jumping at it unless it literally took a run and has a metal head.

ashleyfemia09 0
memeweaver 0

I have an Amazon Grey Parrot. he tends to be wherever in the house I am. i often work from home, and one day one of my employees was showing me some design ideas for my shop online using my brand new 31" monitor. The bird was fascinated by the cursor, and a game ensued, ending onlt when the bord finally opened his beak and took a bide out of the center of the monitor, piercing the screen and leaving a 1.5" gash in the middle of it.