Caught in 1080p

By wtf - 16/05/2014 22:25 - Australia - Narangba

Today, I started watching porn in my room with the volume muted. A minute later, my dad knocked on the door, so I closed everything and called him in. He just said, "Son, you disgust me." and walked out. Now I'm too paranoid to use my own computer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 645
You deserved it 15 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SDee1234 11

Thats almost scary lol. He's spying on you:-P

Maybe he noticed that everything was closed, so he assumed you were doing the nasty.


chronickX 11

Probably because you muted the ****.

your history might be on a home drive basically everyone else connected to it can see that history just saying

Ali_Br_fml 33

What, like they're all signed into the same Google chrome or something like that? It could be something as simple as him still having a visible erection, or a wet spot, or he just looked guilty...or the dad came in because he could hear him going at it from a mile away.

Just because you muted the computer doesn't mean you're not making sounds. Squeaky chair and a closed laptop when the door opens is a dead giveaway....

He has the router settings, oftentimes they can monitor web activity. That's how he found out.

JimHill75 7

Maybe he saw that you since watching **** you perhaps had a boner.

sailorarctic 22

plot twist: he thought he had it on mute but was really broadcasting it via bluetooth speakers into his dad's room/ the living room

I actually thought about this too lol cause Ive definitely had something similar happen, just, not with **** lol