Caught in 4K

By BrutallyBlonde - 31/12/2009 00:03 - United States

Today, I went to egg my ex-boyfriend's house, after finding out he cheated on me. I covered his house and car with eggs, toilet paper, and silly string. When I went to get back in my car, my keys were locked inside, the alarm went off, and my ex walked outside, with his new girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 848
You deserved it 56 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SweetestSin 4

Karma just slapped you in the face - isn't egging a little childish?

YDI. For one, your an immature little bitch who thinks 'getting back' at someone is usually a good idea. Secondly, even when you try to get back at him, you do it like a 10 year old.


I love how OP knew this was stupid and posted it anyways. Win, just because you're an epic failure.

I swaer i read: i went to my eggs-boyfriends house.

CaseAndPoint 0

Okay we all know it is immature to egg someones house, but to be serious who hasn't stooped to that type of level when something bad happened to them by someone else. I think she could have done worse because cheating is an inexcusable act.

Rellich 0

la la la. went to egg someone. it sounds so matter of fact. I think the scary part is that you went to egg his house and you're old enough to drive. first thing he should have said to his new gf is "see, I told you she was crazy. i'm so glad I finally found someone like you. wanna go do it? again?" way to go op!

TurboTalon 0

And what everyone has failed to mention is that it was probably HIS PARENTS house. So OP deserves it for being a disrespectful **** =)

While I can't say for sure, chances are that it was the OP's parents' house. If so, I hope that they at least give her mommy and/or daddy a little call about this.

egging is the funnest way to get reveng good job.