Caught in 4K

By BrutallyBlonde - 31/12/2009 00:03 - United States

Today, I went to egg my ex-boyfriend's house, after finding out he cheated on me. I covered his house and car with eggs, toilet paper, and silly string. When I went to get back in my car, my keys were locked inside, the alarm went off, and my ex walked outside, with his new girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 848
You deserved it 56 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SweetestSin 4

Karma just slapped you in the face - isn't egging a little childish?

YDI. For one, your an immature little bitch who thinks 'getting back' at someone is usually a good idea. Secondly, even when you try to get back at him, you do it like a 10 year old.


Tamara2011 0

haha that's a fail got to use your smarts next time and wait 15 yr olds can't drive without a parent so i'm assuming this is fake

TryToBeKind 0

You definitely deserved that. How old are you, 12? At any rate, sounds like you need some supervision. LIke by a probation officer. Dumb ass

did you submit this from your mobile in the back seat of a police cruiser?

WougieBougie 0

wat goes around comes around. that's a little immature isn't it?

its alright babe, in face of love and hurt, we all do crazy stuff that we will never do normally. I understand, not to say it was right of you to do that.

I love a good revenge story. Sorry you got caught!

You deserve it for being a psycho bitch.