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By sirttocs - 14/05/2019 00:00

Today, my girlfriend asked me if I remembered what I did in my sleep last night. Turns out, in my sleep, I grabbed her crotch and said, “Just making sure you’re not Shae.” Shae is her sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 273
You deserved it 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So just how DOES OP know that's Shae's crotch doesn't feel like the gf's?

At… um… at least you said “NOT Shae”.


At… um… at least you said “NOT Shae”.

TxKitten79 10

That's funny! At least you were making sure she wasn't Shae. lol

So , even in your sleep, you know what Shae’s crotch feels like.

So just how DOES OP know that's Shae's crotch doesn't feel like the gf's?

After touching it often enough he might have some experience.

Maybe the expectation was that if she was Shae, she'd hit him for grabbing her crotch; whereas GF wouldn't... That seems a bit far-fetched, but, who knows?

Would be worse if Shae was her brother